5 September 2023
As the Seasons change, there has been lots of change at Camelford Town Council!
It welcomes two new members of staff – Simon Flaherty and Jordan Burnard. Simon is the new Administrator/Assistant Librarian and will be taking on (amongst other things) the Allotments. Please email for any allotment queries. Jordan will be starting on 18 September, and is the replacement for Amanda, our Deputy Town Clerk who will be leaving on 8 September for pastures new further West. CTC wishes Amanda all the very best and thanks her for all she has done for Camelford in her nearly 7 years with us.

Simon Flaherty Jordan Burnard
Wednesdays at the Library
Since June, and following successful Gold Community Hub funding in partnership with the Camelford Leisure Centre, the Wednesday community evening is going from strength to strength. It hopes to run a Hope session, Multiply Session and Cuppa Companions in the near future after staff training. Hope will be a session for people to come together and talk about mental health. Multiply is for people who want to access grant forms, but struggle with maths. The library has a new mezzanine area for browsing, bistro tables and chairs and a lovely Lavazza hot drinks machine. If you would like to start up a community group and need somewhere to meet, please contact the office!

Skate Jam!
Ness Harrison, (our Community Outreach Worker), Andrew (our skate coach), Nate (our volunteer skate coach) and Action for Children had a great afternoon at the OCM, with Danio, our new cafe owner providing a BBQ. There were competitions and coaching, kindly sponsored by North Coast Wetsuits. Pictures coming soon….
Summer Reading Challenge

What a busy time our Senior Librarian has had! There has been 197 sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge and 115 have finished so far (as at start of September). If you have not yet finished the challenge there is still time – 15 September. Come in and claim your free swim voucher after you have read your 6 books, together with a medal, stickers and a badge. Our Senior Librarian will be going into schools in the Autumn to give out certificates. The picture above is of our first completer!
Events Coming up!
Pumpkins on Parade – Monday 30 October
Camelford Carnival – Saturday 28 October (not organised by CTC)
Scarecrow Festival – October half term – finishes Monday 30 October
Winter Festival – Saturday 25 November
Look out for details coming soon here and on Facebook and the website