22 September 2022
Enfield Park Centenary On 6 August CTC celebrated 100 years of Enfield Park with music, dance and refreshments. Adie Dove led 2 dance workshops on 4 and 5 August, for children aged 12 and under at the Old Bank, culminating in a performance for our Centenary Celebrations. In addition, thanks to funding from FEAST, local residents, both adults and children, were invited to take part in copper leaf workshops to create a legacy piece of art work just outside the park, in the form of a Centenary Cherry Tree Sculpture. The winners of Camelford in Bloom were announced and the postponed Tug of War took place. There was also the burial of a time capsule beneath the centenary tree in the park and live music to round off the day. It was a fantastic celebration of the park for the people of Camelford.

Live Music @ The Bandstand 2022
Summer of Music at the bandstand
There was another great summer of Friday night music at the bandstand. Each week saw a different act playing out to the crowds as the sun set, with many enjoying late night picnics or tucking into one of the many takeaways that are on offer. Thank you to this year’s musicians – The Cobweb Crew, The Hurdy Ghurdies, GuySmith, Dave Precious and Jamie Hewett, With an extra thank you to local business, The Groovy Shop, for supporting this event with a kind donation.
Local Council Award Scheme – Congratulations Camelford Town Council!
Camelford Town Council (CTC) has received a prestigious award as part of the Local Council Award Scheme. This achievement recognises that the council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Moreover, CTC goes above and beyond their legal obligations, leading its community and continuously seeks opportunities to improve and develop even further. In terms of the future, the council is now reviewing ways in which it can keep on improving its offer to the local community and welcomes input from local people and partners on this. Camelford and other local councils like it, are at the front line of the government’s localism agenda and are doing as much as they can to deliver services whilst being efficient and cost-effective. Currently CTC provides a range of services from the Library, allotment gardens, 2 car parks to our beautiful Enfield Park, recreational spaces (Enfield Park, OCM Skatepark), and community orchard.

The Summer Reading Challenge has been running throughout the summer months and has proven to be as popular as ever with over a hundred local children signing up. It has been great to see so many children visiting the library and taking part in the challenge, sharing their favourite books and joining in with the craft activities every Saturday. Crafts, lego, storytelling and rhymetime sessions run throughout the year. Visit to find out more.
The library continues to host events for the public. In July the library hosted a visit by local author Chris Ward and in August the Drag Queen Story hour came to town. Both were very successful and enjoyed by many. For information about upcoming events please see social media pages.

OCM Skatepark – The Big Relaunch!
The first AGM will be on Monday 26 September at the Town Hall/Library at 6.30pm. Children have been signing up over the summer months to join the skate club which will look set to hold regular training sessions, competitions and more. Membership cards will be given out at the meeting. Look out for posters and information on social media!

Upcoming Events
When the Christmas Tree was taken down from by the bandstand last year the trunk was cut & dried into rounds to make decorations to go on this year’s tree. We will be holding drop in workshops at the library on a Saturday for children & adults during October & November.

It is also running the annual Pumpkins on Parade party on Saturday 29 October in the library from 2-4pm. There will be lots of crafts, stories and prizes awarded for the top 3 decorated pumpkins.
Scarecrow festival is running from 24-28 October. There is still time to get your entry forms in ( by 3rd October) to take part in this event with prizes for best scarecrows or for taking part in the trail hunt around the town.

A big thank you to HSVC for sponsoring these spooky events!

Our wonderful Annual Winter festival takes place on Saturday 26 November from 5.30pm. Carol parade from Clease Car Park to the bandstand 6pm. Father Christmas arrives by pony and trap at 5.30pm (with thanks to Pencarrow Livery and Cassie for the perfect ride!). Christmas Lights turn on at 7pm. Music by Boscastle Buoys. Firework display by Celebration Pyrotechnics 7.30pm. Late night shopping, Creme de la Crepe, New Hanger Management, Hog Roast and Mulled wine by the Masons Arms. Visit Father Christmas under the arch by the Masons Arms and visit the Christmas Market in the Old Bank. Details to follow.